Math 227B - Algebraic Topology III
Winter 2024
The third quarter algebraic topology course, covering K-theory, bordism, and stable homotopy theory.
The third quarter algebraic topology course, covering K-theory, bordism, and stable homotopy theory.
The first quarter of multivariable calculus, focusing on the differential aspects.
Algebraic Topology II. This course covers cohomology, Poincare duality, homotopy groups, the Serre spectral sequence, and the basics of stable homotopy. Last updated: Fall 2017.
This topics course will serve as an overview of spectral algebraic geometry.
This Fiat Lux course looks at the ubiquity of patterns and symmetry in art and nature.
This course introduces the foundations of point-set topology. Course materials can be found at the course website.
A rigorous treatment of linear algebra, usually over an arbitrary base field. The course website includes homework and handouts.
This course is a self-contained introduction to spectral sequences with an emphasis on the spectral sequences in algebraic topology. The course website includes notes, homework sets, spectral sequence pictures, and some podcast classes.
I gave the 2017 Namboodiri Lectures at the University of Chicago.
This is my ICM talk on my solution with Hopkins and Ravenel to the Kervaire invariant one problem.
This talk is about the evolving notion of a G-symmetric monoidal ctegory. basic properties are discussed, grounded in genuine equivariant spectra. At the end, several algebraic examples are presented.
This talk discusses joint work with Hopkins on localization of commutative rings. In particular, it sketches the proof of when localization preserves commutative ring objects in spectra.
This talk is my discussion of the slice filtration and its generalizations at the Hot Topics workshop for the Kervaire Invariant One problem at MSRI.